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Portfolio / dr inż. Robert Święcik

Treść (rozbudowana)
Dorobek naukowy


  • ŚWIĘCIK R., POLASIK R.: Energetic aspects of the AEDG grinding process of Ti6Al4V titanium alloy AIP Conference Proceedings 2017(1):020031, Opublikowano: 01.10.2018
  • GOŁĄBCZAK M., ŚWIĘCIK R., GOŁĄBCZAK A., KACZMAREK D., MAKSIM P.: Abrasive electrodischarge grinding (AEDG) of selected hard machinable materials used in aerospace industry AIP Conference Proceedings 2017(1):020004, Opublikowano: 01.10.2018
  • M. GOŁĄBCZAK, R. ŚWIĘCIK, A. GOŁĄBCZAK, A. KONSTANTYNOWICZ, P. JACQUET, C. BLANC: Investigations of Surface Layer Temperature of Hard Machinable Materials Used in Aircraft Industry During Abrasive Electrodischarge Grinding (AEDG) Process, MATERIALWISSENSCHAFT UND WERKSTOFFTECHNIK, Vol. 49, No 5, 2018, pp. 568-576
  • SUTOWSKI P., ŚWIĘCIK R.: The estimation of machining results and efficiency of the abrasive electro-discharge grinding process of Ti6Al4V titanium alloy using the high-frequency acoustic emission and force signals, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2018, Volume 94, Issue 1–4, pp 1263–1282 (2018)
  • GOŁĄBCZAK A., GOŁABCZAK M., KONSTANTYNOWICZ A., ŚWIĘCIK R.: Modelling and reserch of temperature distribution in surface layer of titanium alloy workpiece during AEDG and conventinal grinding, Continuum Mechanics and Termodynamics, Vol. 28, no. 3, (2016), pp. 1-9
  • GOŁĄBCZAK A., GOŁĄBCZAK M., KONSTANTYNOWICZ A., ŚWIĘCIK R., GALANT M.: Modeling and Experimental Investigations of the Surface Layer Temperature of Titanium Alloys during AEDG Processing, Defect and Diffusion Forum Vols. 365 (2015) pp. 63-70
  • GOŁĄBCZAK A., ŚWIĘCIK R.: Assessment of Energy Consumption and Internal Stresses in Surface Layer in the Abrasive Electro-discharge Grinding (AEDG) Process, Defect and Diffusion Forum Vols. 334-335 (2013) pp. 89-96
  • GOŁĄBCZAK A., ŚWIĘCIK R.: Electro-discharge Grinding: Energy Consumption and Internal Stresses in the Surface Layer, Proceedings 16th International Symposium for Electromachinig ISEM XVI, 2010, Shanghai, China, pp.: 517-522
  • ŚWIĘCIK R.: Experimental investigation of abrasive electrodischarge grinding of Ti6Al4V titanium alloy, Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, 2009, 37/2, pp.: 706-711
  • GOŁĄBCZAK A., ŚWIĘCIK R.: Studies of the Process of Electrodischarge Grinding of Hard Metals, Proceedings 15th International Symposium for Elektromachining ISEM XV, Pittsburgh, USA, 2007, pp.: 445-450

Udział w projektach badawczych

  • Projekt promotorski Roberta Święcika: Wpływ warunków elektroerozyjnego szlifowania na przebieg procesu i wyniki obróbki, numer N503 024 31/2973, 2006-2008 - udział własny: główny wykonawca

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